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Heal infidelity
Discover new ways of relating
Make the lasting change to your relationship
Return to love and harmony 

Couples Counselling Christchurch | Relationship Therapy Christchurch. Marriage Counselling Christchurch. Sex Therapy Christchurch.

Couples Counselling Christchurch

We must accept that there may be some aspects of our personality and behaviour that need to change.
Improve communication skills
Understand what causes conflict

Couples Therapy Christchurch

Discover how behaviour patterns that originate in childhood dictate how we relate as an adult.
Discover proven methods to easily change these patterns

Relationship Counselling Christchurch

In order to get permanent rather than short term change:
Acknowledgement: Recognizing that there is a problem and that problems in relationships are normal.
Allow: Allow an honest and in-depth reflection of our personality so that we can an accurate view of what is going on.
Acceptance: We must accept that there may be some aspects of our personality and behaviour that need to change.
Change & Review:  We make change within ourselves by reflecting reviewing and appraising how we behave after that fact.
Action: We must catch our unhelpful behaviour as it happens and do it differently. Over and over until we create new behaviour habits.
Alternatives: Deliberately and consciously introduce alternative strategies that create loving respectful communication.

Marriage Counselling Christchurch

You will understand that loving, respectful connection is the top priority in all your interactions and become proactive about being engaged with those close to you. Couples Counselling will give you the skills to do so

  • Providing an opportunity for you to discover, and get help for, the underlying causes of challenges you face in your relationship
  • Assist you to gain insight into the hidden dynamics of your relationship, how these are affecting your relationship right now, and what must be done if a change is to occur
  • De-escalating conflict
  • Provide hope and strategies as to how to get your relationship back on track, including a step by step outline for moving forward and coming back to love and harmony.

    •​    Overcoming Infidelity 
“ The new skills my wife and I learned at counselling with Ian saved our marriage “
“Ian really knows his stuff, the Integrated couples therapy (ICT) model Ian taught us was easy to follow, it provided step by step instructions that stopped our arguments after the first session”
“Brilliant, we highly recommend couplesconnected counselling, the skills we learned changed the way my partner and I communicate with each other and our children”
“Thank you Ian! I was amazed when I understood how much of my communication was old patterns from my past”
“They should teach this stuff at school, it changed the way I approach conflict with my husband...I feel so much closer to him now”